Thursday, July 3, 2008


ciao. im sorry but i have to rant about italy for a little bit. i seriously need bug repellant and school is so lame. i expected more for the price. the class has been super boring and everyone has been either falling asleep or doodling in our sketch books. the whole time the teacher has been talking about africa and "what is africa?" and how she's obsessed with wikipedia and how were supposed to "give back" to it. today after much complaints, she finally started talking about fashion in africa which was semi-interesting. she said she didn't want to talk about africa's designers because looking at art from africa would be more inspiring for the second week of class where were making mood boards. (mood board= a poster size collage of a certain idea with sketches and swatches and fashion figures.) she thought talking about the designers would be boring.......uhhh.......i thought i was in a fashion class???? no sense. and her assistant is a little off.  so the main coordinator for the courses came in and talked to the class about what was wrong. after we told her that we didnt understand how this related to fashion, she then began to lecture us on how the theory of africa should be understood before anything else. fashion comes from society and its behavior in the world. i get that but for a beginning fashion course you learn about the concepts and different aspects of fashion while watching and seeing shows and photos and the history behind it.  i dunno...maybe actually sketching or playing with fabric swatches or the different jobs fashion has to offer? ok done...whew we'll see how next week is with a different teacher (who is by the way a little crazy :/) oh well thankyoubye


Anonymous said...

Ci manchi!

Monet Rides ! said...

Well....hang in there sis! Hopefully there will be more interesting stuff to come -- !

love ya! MONET

Monet Rides ! said...

oh........Send some PICS !!! So we can visualize your school and dorms and apertifs and freaks!


Anonymous said...

Have a great lifetime experience, don't get bored..soo much beauty, love your brother, Joe